To-Do Lift is an application made for athletes who want a simple view for making, saving, and completing their workouts.
Where you can view, load, and save workouts in a lightweight application.
WorkoutTemplate.swift - contains the objects used throuhgout program
struct Movement: Hashable, Codable {
var name : String
var sets: String
var reps: String
var weight: String
struct WorkoutTemplate: Hashable, Codable{
var name : String
var movements: [Movement]
These two objects are the backbone of the code. Without workout template containing a name and a list of Movements. An example of a wokroutTemplate be having name refer to “chest day” and the list of movement be any movments that you incorperate in your chest day (IE: [Bench Press, 3, 3, 135])
dataManager.swift - holds all save and load functions for “movementList”, “WorkoutList”, and pastWorkouts”
Contentview.swift - Project Main Main view of program uses a tabview to connect workoutList.swift, workoutLoader.swift, and workoutHistory.swift
WorkoutList.swift - To-Do list view View that presents list of movements named “movementsList” in a to-do list like format. Inside the list, we can:
moreInfoView.swift - more info for movements in workoutList.swift moreInfoView is a supporting view to the workoutList.swift. In this view, we give the user the ability to add weight used on their movement as well as the ability to edit the existing movement object.
workoutLoader.swift - where we can load workout tempates to to-do list WorkoutLoader is a support element to workoutList. This file uses the workoutTemplate object that is located in workoutTemplate.swift. In this file we present the user with the sotred list of workouTemplates named “workoutList”
In additon, we can delete workoutTemplates and have a navigtion link to the newWorkoutView.swift where we can add a new workoutTemplate object to our list “workoutList”
newWorkoutView.swift - for adding workouts to workoutList newWoroutView is a pop up screen that is accessed from workoutLoader. This screen allows user to create a new workoutTemplate object and add it to the workoutList.
workoutHistory.swift - shows completed workouts workoutHistory takes our completed workout from workoutList.swift and presents it with the day completed for user to reference later
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